Thursday, June 11, 2020

How foods affect our bodies?

This image shows how foods affect our bodies.
Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in the food we consume play a vital role in performing the necessary physical functions of our body. When our body doesn't receive its requirements, rate of metabolic process is reduced.

Depending on the type of foods we eat, our heart pumps to exert energy.

For example, sodium intake may affect the heart rate and blood pressure. By consuming salty foods, body retains water to dilute the blood volume. This causes more blood to circulate throughout the body and heart works harder to exert energy.

Consuming healthy fats such as olive oil and whole grains can reduce the level of cholesterol. This improves the blood flow, which in turn makes the heart to pump blood in an easy manner, giving less strain and stress to the heart. Obviously, wellness of heart is maintained. 

Eat healthy foods & stay strong!

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