Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Kitchen Gardening

This image shows the herbs and the condition needed to grow. These herbs can be raised in kitchen garden.Let's learn to do Kitchen Garden and have some quality time in this lockdown period!

Basic steps:
Step #1 - Find an apt place for the pots. 3-6 hours of sunlight per day is essential for kitchen garden plants. Make sure you expose all the parts of kitchen plant to sunlight. 

Step #2 - Apart from mud pots, you can also use glass bottles or containers. But make sure there's a small hole at the bottom as a drainage hole. For maintaining the moisture, use pebbles for an inch at the bottom.

Step #3 - Mix regular soil with red soil so that it can give more minerals to plants. However, you need to add organic matter or compost to it. 

Step #4 - Sow the seed. After sowing, you need to cover the pot with a mesh so that it prevents excess sunlight to seeds. 
Step #5 - Watering the plants is the next important step. Always there should be some space on the top so that water doesn't overflow. In order to check you can place your finger in the soil for an inch and find if it's dry or not. 

You can fertilise the soil each month using pieces of banana peel / egg shell. 

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