Friday, July 3, 2020


This image is a device to detect the plant growth. 
It is device used for measuring the height of the plant from 0.0001 inch to 0.000001 inch of precision. It helps in the research that are based on plants anatomy and its natural behaviour based on the climate change. It also helps to detect the longlasting life period of the plants depending upon its height. 
However, its normal operating range is from 1/1000 to 1/10,000 of an inch. The component which actually measures the movement is a differential transformer (A). It's movable core is hinged between points (B) and (C). Two lever arms hinged at points (D), (B) and (E), (C), form a parallelogram that holds the core centered within the opening of the differential transformer as it moves up and down. A micrometer (F) is used to adjust and calibrate the system. This device was invented by the Indian scientist Jagdish Chandra Bose.

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